Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's been a minute...

since I last wrote a blog. I wrote one at the begining of the month, so I guess it's fitting that I write another one at this month's closing. So I'll just close out the month of Feb with randomness

1) The more I make, the more I spend. *sigh*. I really need to make more AND save more. How else am I going to accomplish one of my goals of building up my savings if I can't stop spending. I have GOT to get it together.

2) I've had some really interesting conversations with people about relationships which has caused me to re-evaluate myself and what I really want in life. I went to a dinner party on Sunday, and the question of the night that was asked of everyone sitting at the table was "What did YOU do to f*ck* up your last relationship?" And though I thought this was an easy enough question to answer, I had a really hard time coming up with a reason that was not directly or indirectly pointing blame at my partner (this is not good). I know that I've been the cause problems in past relationships, but it's very hard for me to vocalize my faults. And until acknowlege my own faults and can clearly communicate these problems with the person that I am with,I will continue to make these mistakes again ansd again. hmmmmm.....

3) For some odd reason it feels like a lot of people that I know (myself included) have had some unfortunate things happen to them this month. Family members have passed, cars have been broken into, relationships have ended, folks have been faced with unexpected loss of employement, and money troubles seem to persist. And though one would assume that all these negative things would have consequential affects on my attitide and state of being, I have not let these things get me down. Through it all, I have remained happy & hopeful. Thank you Lord.

4) Its interesting to visit different places of worship. This past Sunday, a friend of mine invited me to his church. Myself and a few other friends took him up on his invitation and went to see what it was all about. I can honestly say that I have never felt more welcomed and valued as a visitor of a church until this past Sunday. Besides the fact that this was their international month(most of the congregation was African), in which they've been having presentations (songs, dance, plays, video viewings) representing different countries in Africa, which I found to be very entertaining and educational... the pastor seemed to be one of the niceest, most genuine men I've met to serve in this capacity. During service not only did the pastor acknowledge the visitors (as they do in most all churches), but they held a short meeting with the visitors shortly afterwards to express their sincere appreciation of our attendance. Later on that day, I recieved a call from one of the sisters of the church to again express how happy they were to have me there. It was AWESOME. I will visit again.

5) I bought two new dresses this week! And let me tell ya...they are Ka-YUTE! I love um. Ok, so one of them isn't that new...I got it from a thrift store in the area...but hey, it's new to me and thats all that counts! The other dress was purchased from one of my favorite stores. Where you ask? No not Macys, not BEBE, not GUESS, not Norstorm or any of those fancy store. I got it from ROSS! Like they say...ROSS, dress for less. And LESS it was! I only paid 15 bucks for it! Hooray for bargains!

6) I made many new friends over the past month, however, my relationship with others seems to have shifted. I don't know the exact reason for this change, but I guess we all have some things to discuss.

7) Having pets can be expensive. Lets much have a spent on this spoiled pooch of mine this month. Food($10) + Clothes($20) + Vetinary cost($126) + Grooming($43) + Pet Health insurance ($24/month) = TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY!

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