Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm holding on to Cali


I've been living out here in NC for a little over two years now, and I still have my CA drivers license. I know I was suppose to turn it in to get a NC licence 30 days after moving out here. But that 30 day window has come and gone. Though I know that I need a new license, I can't seem to bring myself to let go of my Cali Ls. I'm probably not going to be moving back to the west coast any time soon, but I don't want to give it up. I mean...what if I do decide to move back. Then I'll have to go through the trouble of getting a new one re-issued. I guess part of the reason why I'm still holding on to this license is because it has the picture that I took on my 16th birthday. YUP....same old ancient picture. And though I look NOTHING like I did 9 years ago.... that was a significant time of my life. I guess I'm still holding on to the memories.

Just as I'm holding on to my CA license, I'm still holding on tight to my Oakland cell phone number. I've lived in Los Angeles, and NC, and never once have I even entertained the thought of changing my cell phone number. Part of the reason is because I've had this same number ever since I've owned a cell phone (over 8 years) and I don't want to go through the hassle of calling people to update them with my new number, but the other part of the reason is because I don't want to let go of my link to Oakland. I feel like giving up my number is like giving up a part of me. I simply can't do it.

Am I really THAT attached? I mean, you would think that over time I would have let some of my ties go, but it seems like the farther I move from Oakland, the more I feel the need to stay connected. I will never stop LUV'n CALI!

1 comment:

Saun said...

I wouldn't be in a rush to change ph#s or a driver's license either. There is no need for a local number given that everyone uses cell phones now.