Monday, November 20, 2006 be a kid again

Remember when getting high meant swinging at the playground
The worst thing you could get from boys was cooties
Mom was your hero & Dad was the boy you were going to marry
Your worst enemies were your siblings
Race issues were who ran the fastest
War was a card game
Wearing skirts didn't mean you were a slut
The only thing you smoked was the tires on your bike
The only thing that hurt was skinned knees & the only thing that could get broken were your toys Remember when life was simple & care free
I do
But what I remember the most was wanting to grow up


I came across this poem/quote today, and it made me smile. Not because there was something funny said, but because it made me think about how simple life once was. As a kid, we always wanted to be grown, have our independence, make money and not have to answer to anyone. However, as children, we didn't realize how good we had it. Imagine living life with no cares or worries in the world. When your biggest dilemma was worrying if "Jason" was gonna be your friend today (even though you and Jason are cousins). Did ya'll do that? My siblings and I ALWAYS did "Rae, if you don’t go to the corner store and get me a pack on Now&Laters I'm not your friend no more (rolling eyes, sucking teeth)" as if we really had a choice. Shoot, we shared the same doggone room anyway. We didn’t have to be friends. We were sisters.

But this is the line that really made me reflect on my life (past and present)….

"The only thing that hurt was skinned knees & the only thing that could get broken were your toys"

Boy oh boy...things sure have changed. I wish life were still this way. If the only thing that hurt was a mere scrape on my knee...I would be a happy camper. But unfortunately, as I've gotten older, my knees have been scraped, my legs have felt weak, my stomach has been cramped, my breast have felt sore, my body has been tested, my heart has been wounded, my mind has be strained.

What I would give to live the carefree life of a kid again...


A Beautiful Life said...
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A Beautiful Life said...

That is so true!!!

suga said...

Well if you would stop doin what ya been doin, your knees wouldn't stay scraped. lol