Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm fighting a cold and losing the battle


I've got so many things to get done in a limited amount of time, and I'm sick as all get out! I can't seem to fight this cold that seems to forever rear its head. I really think I might be anemic or something. Every time I get sick, I get really really sick. And to make matters worse, I can catch colds so very easily from just about anyone at anytime. My immune system is failing me right now. What should I do? I've been drinking OJ, water, taking medicine (Lord knows I HATE taking medicine), I've even succumbed to using that nasty nasal spray that tastes like death as I squeeze the liquid into my nostril and the juices leave a bitter taste in my mouth. (I know that was a gross description) But hey, nothing seems to work.

Is it bad that part of the reason why I want to get better is so that I’ll be able to go out this weekend. Yes, I want to get better, but I don’t really care to spend yet another weekend in bed. There’s a lot going on b/c of UNC’s homecoming, and there are a couple of people I’m looking forward to seeing. So, hopefully I’ll be able to win this battle.

Oh, and I voted yesterday!!!! Hooray! But, it’s always amazing to see how few people around my age are out there voting too. I realize that a lot of older retirees tend to volunteer at the polls, but overall, the age group of voters tend to be a lot older than myself. Which brings me to another point….I don’t know how many of you reading this have a myspace account, but I found it interesting to see how many people posted bulletins and/or blogs about voting. YES, I’m all for educating and motivating other young people to vote. But I wonder how many people who posted those bulletins/ blogs actually voted themselves (or just jumped on the “vote or die” bandwagon and didn’t really do a damn thing…I mean, the truth is, we’ll never really know if they did or not). Better yet, I wonder how many people reading those postings actually took heed to the message and exercised their civic right. Anyways, just a few random thoughts….

Off to fight this battle…


A Beautiful Life said...

I hope you feel better!! Colds get on my nerves. Try this tea called Cold Care from Whole Foods. It really helps. I really liked your post about voting. That was thought provoking.

YngManRumble said...

Hey there Miss Isomeme. I'm sorry to hear that you were under the weather, but it is that time of year, so hopefully this little cold will serve as a reminder to take good care of yourself as the holidays bring in the winter chill.

And just so you know I voted too! LOL