Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fire update

So I talked to my sister today. She's been the one providing me with continuous updates on the status of my parent's house and family living situation. I don't know how they're doing it. Living in a hotel is fun when you're on vacation....but damn, having to stay there as a primary place of residence is NOT the bizness.

What was once a 1 month estimated time of displacement, has now dragged out to at least 3 moths. That's 3 months of not being able to sleep in their own beds, three months not being able to cook their own meals, three months of running to and from the house to get things that they need for day to day living, three months of not being able to live in the house they call their home.

So these are pics of what's left of the upstairs of my parent's house...

(my bedroom 1)

(my bedroom 2)

(my sister's room)

Upstairs has been stripped down to its bare bones. Construction is underway, and with time our home will be livable again. I have to will be weird to go back to a room that looks totally different than what I remembered. No longer will I have all those crazy mirrors on my wall and ceiling (yes I said, no longer will my walls be lined with floral pink and green wall papering. I now have to rely on photographs taken before the fire to retain images of what my room once was. But hey, today is a new day. I'm trying to stay optimistic. Many new memories will be formed in our renovated house. But right now I can't help but to hold on to images of the past.

1 comment:

Saun said...

Mirrors on the ceiling? LOL! Oh, the jokes you must have had. While unfortunate, things like this put life in perspective. You still have your family and all that you lost were only possessions.