Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year...New Plans (no resoultions)

Say NO to New Years resolutions!.lol...Believe me, I'm not being a pessimist. I'm all about supporting those who want to start the new year off right and make positive changes in their lives. But it seems as though every time I hear someone say they've made a new years resolution, its as if their magnificent resolution is doomed to fail.

Take for example...those people whoes new years resolution is to become more physically active and lose weight. (yeah right...who are they fooling) Like I said...I'm all for making positive changes, but at least if you say you're gonna do something...try to follow through on your word. The gym is super packed at the beginning of the year. All the ladies and gents are running on the treadmill, lifting weights, doing 50 million crunches... tryna 'get it right get it tight' for the new year. But as many of you have noticed, the number of bodies in the gym tend to decrease as the progresses.

Anyway, like I said...I've decided not to make any "New Years Resolutions" this year. Rather, I'm going to work on a few things that I've been talking about for a while. So, here are the changes that I plan to make this year:

1) DANCE DANCE DANCE! As in, join a dance class. Ideally, I'd like to join dance company, but I don't know if I have the time to make such a commitment. If anyone knows of some good (African/ Hip Hop/ Modern) dance classes in the area, please let me know. Cuz like everyone else...I'm tryna "get it right, get it tight" too!

2) Become more ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN MY COMMUNITY! I feel a tremendous void in my life. As a person of color who has been afforded many opportunities in my life, I think it's about time that I return the favor. I see kids all the time with no direction, no support, no guidance, and little hope for the future. I can no longer sit and watch as children waste their lives getting caught up in all the 'wrong' things. As an African American woman, a woman that cares about people, that cares about my community, it is my responsibility to extend my hand and provide resources to those without. With this said, I've completed a couple of applications for mentoring programs in the triangle area. One of which was an application for the "Big brothers Big sisters" program. However, I've been debating whether I should try to volunteer my time with children in this organization, or another local organization that isn't was well known, and may lack resources. It is my feeling that my reach can go a lot further within a smaller local organization. What do you think? If you know of any organizations in the area that work with youth (especially
delinquent youth), and are in need of volunteers, please let me know. I have been blessed, and it's time that I give back.

3) Watch some MOVIES! I know this is nothing as profound as change #2, but I'm sick and tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes. I haven't seen many movies, BIG FREAK'n, but I think it's about time that I 'get with it'...even if it's only a little bit. People are constantly making references to movies, actors, and actresses, and I NEVER know who and what they're talking about. So, for the new year...I've decided to subscibe to Netflix. Please shoot me some ideas of some 'must sees'.. I've already watched about 4 movies through my subscription (which is probably more than I watched in 2006). I've got popcorn, I've got movies, I've got comfortable seating, so let the movie nights begin!

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