Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Home Sweet Home (late post)

Boy oh boy did it feel good to be home. I mean...literally, when I stepped off of the plane my heart felt full of life, joy, and anticipation with the thought of seeing familiar faces again. I hadn't been home is quite some time, so this opportunity to see friends and family members was loooooong overdue. As we pulled up to the house, it felt a sense of comfort. Though I like my place here in NC, Oakland is where my home and heart is. I know many people say this about their family, but I honestly believe I have a family like no other. The bond we share is unbreakable, one that has been tried and tested, but remains unscathed. Time with my family is always great. We joke around and laugh continuously. There’s never a dull moment in our house (ask anybody). But sometimes it amazes me how we don’t drive each other crazy. Soooo…my sister and I are laying in my bed talking about God knows what….and my mother comes to my room and proceeds to squeeze her thick behind in the middle of us. Ok…so at this point my face is practically plastered onto the wall because having three grown ass women try to lay comfortably on a full size bed is NOT the business. But even during my physical discomfort, I was happy. Happy to know that my mother was there. Happy to know that she wanted to hang out with her daughters, Happy to know that she missed me. Happy to know that even though my freak’n cheek was against the wall, I still had energy to laugh at her silliness. I missed home. I miss home a lot. *sigh*

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