Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Holiday Party 2006!!! (late post)

There girls and I have been hosting holiday parties for the part few years. Being that many of us have moved to other states since graduating from high school, this has been our one opportunity to spend time together and try to catch up with folks that we hadn't seen in a while. Usually, we have the party at someone's house, but last year we decided to change it up a bit and move it to a more public location. There was a new lounge that had just opened up in Downtown Oakland called the "Air Lounge," and we thought it'd be a good idea to explore this venue. To make a long story short, our Holiday Party of 2005 that was thrown at the Air Lounge was fun fun fun! The ambiance was nice, there was a good turn out of people, and folks seemed to have had a good time. But nothing could prepare us for the party we hosted this year (or shall I say last year).

The girls and I were talking on IM one day when someone in the group came up with the bright idea of going with a color scheme. No, I'm all for colors. I LOVE colors, but Lord....why did someone have to pick the most difficult color to find this season. The color theme for our holiday party was purple. So here I am on the search for a purple dress, shirt, skirt, something. I've visited every mall in the triangle area (literally) and i couldn't seem to find one decent purple item suitable for this here holiday party. I mean, I guess I could bought a random little purple top, but you have to understand that this was OUR holiday party, and I am NOT trying to be outdone. At least not by our guest.

Needless to say, it took me and my trusty friend Monica driving 2 hours away (Charlotte) to finally find something I could wear to the party. O.K. so lets fast forward to the fiesta .........................................................................................................

The party was off da chain! (if I do say so myself) There were tons of people. Folks were there that I hadn't seen in years. Most looked GREAT...but others....ehhhhhh. (My mother always said...If you don't have anything nice to say...don't say it at all)....Actually, I doubt that MY mother ever said this. But you know what I mean. We all had an amazing time. The music was good, the drinks were dee-lish, and the ambiance was just right!

Woo Hoo to throwing a successful paaartay!

Until next year folks....


suga said...

SOMEBODY CAME UP WITH THE COLOR SCHEME?! It was me heffa...and It was a great idea if I do say so myself. lol

A Well Destined Child said...

I turned out nice...don't get me wrong. But had to be one of the most challenging colors to find this season.